Combat Level Calculator

A calculator to help you determine your combat level at any given combination of Attack, Strength, Defence, Ranged, Magic and Prayer levels.

attack icon
strength icon
defence icon
hitpoints icon
ranged icon
magic icon
prayer icon
Your combat level is

Melee based

To reach a minimum combat level of 4 you will need:
  • 2 levels in Attack or Strength
  • 3 levels in Hitpoints or Defence
  • 2 levels in Ranged
  • 2 levels in Magic
  • 5 levels in Prayer
The most skill levels you can gain while remaining level 4 are:
    • 4 levels in Attack or Strength
    • 6 levels in Hitpoints or Defence
    • 3 levels in Ranged
    • 3 levels in Magic
    • 12 levels in Prayer